




    Balm 16



    1-WEEK TREATMENT - €29
    A harmonized intestine generates powerful vitality and develops the being’s capacity to renew itself, by accepting to let go of what no longer nourishes it. It also reinforces a sense of security which makes it possible to welcome change with serenity.
    As part of the digestive system, the intestine is responsible for the assimilation of nutrients and waste evacuation. Having its own nervous system, it is constantly collaborating with the brain; it is thus commonly referred to as the “abdominal brain“ in Chinese medicine. If the cranial brain is the seat of intellectual wisdom and mental intelligence, the abdominal brain is that of intuitive wisdom and emotional intelligence. The intestine is also responsible for the body’s response to danger; the being’s well-being therefore depends directly on its proper functioning. Like the Ouruboros, the molting snake, it represents the cyclical nature of the universe and the continuous flow of life. Harmonizing the intestine through sound frequencies helps the being to release the old and welcome the new, with the awareness that everything is constantly transforming, according to a perpetual cycle of destruction and recreation.
    • Physical / Energy : Fatigue – Lack of vitality and joy – Sleep disorders – Mental overactivity – Procrastination – Toxic beliefs – Being under the hold
    • Memories / Wounds : Transgenerational imprints – Painful birth / intrauterine life – Difficult childhood – Difficulty in accepting and expressing oneself – Devaluation – Lack of self-confidence – Lack of autonomy
    • Emotional : Fear – Anxiety – Need for control – Difficulty letting go – Anger – Lack of forgiveness – Excessive emotionality – Lack of perspective – Attachments – Depression – Sadness – Despair
    • Imbalances : Insecurity – Eating disorders – Toxic addictions – Male / female imbalance – Sexuality – Conflicts related to speed and time – Impatience

    1 listening session per day minimum

    Listening is done by streaming, without downloading the audio files, via the playlist in your user space. Each balm can be listened to one or more times in a row, or even in a loop, depending on your feelings. Trust your body to find the right pace, keeping in mind that regular practice results in the greatest benefits. For anchoring and a gradual integration of the sound frequencies, choose a Harmonization Treatment over a 6-to-7-week period. Finally, check out the Listening Tips to optimize your experience.

    Denis, Engineer, Meditation Teacher and Speaker

    This Sound Balm is a powerful representation of the human journey, both individual and collective. In this respect, it clearly affects, for me, the intestine’s functions: sorting, absorbing, eliminating… Through its contact with our depths, this organ not only plays a key role in our incarnated life but also, more symbolically, in the transformation of our human nature. First of all, it offers the vibrant gift of a major sound that I was able to perceive over the sessions: the soul which is incarnated in the maternal womb, the release of vertical energies, our confinement in the emotional “aquatic” matrix, the call of the heart chakra to wake us up from our sleep, the vibration of the Christ spirit that sets in…

    These are a few words about the scene that came to me, through an increasingly serious sound that opens our depths. This sound, master of the intestine, touches our cellular nuclei, cleanses our involutive beliefs, connects our first chakras to better unify them… until a magnificent ascending sound spiral finally frees us from all personal and collective swamps.

    Then suddenly the Divine Breath, in all its solar power, lifts us up into grace, transmuting our limited vision. Finally, it is the Divine Mother’s turn, in her gentleness and her infinite love, who welcomes us to our new home. The intestine has thus played its role perfectly, from the physical to the most subtle. Sorting out the subtle from the rough, such is the work of this balm: a fundamental endeavor in these times of irreversible transformation.

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    Discover the Treatments adapted to your needs

    The Treatments are turnkey listening programs, lasting 6 to 7 weeks, developed from the Combined Balms. By targeting the essential energy spheres, the Treatments ensure the anchoring and gradual integration of the balms, a prelude to the expression of your Fundamental Essence.


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    Access 6 months – €555 (1)

    (1) Payment can be made in 3 installments, by credit card or bank transfer

    Access 12 months – €999 (1)

    (1) Payment can be made in 3 installments,
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