


    From human tragedy to the awakening of the crown

    Erin | 29 March 2020

    “Chance is God walking around incognito“. Einstein, a brilliant mind imbued with mysticism, definitely had a way with words. Indeed, to believe in chance, is it not to ignore (at best) or to deny (at worst) the prodigious Intelligence which works in all things and in all places? Is it not to be deaf and blind to this creative power, capable of simultaneously orchestrating the movements of entire galaxies, our internal biological rhythms and the pulsations of the smallest bacterium? How can we imagine for a single moment that human destinies can escape such an intelligence? Whether or not we care about “how it works”, IT works…

    Chance does not exist at a given time. This deep conviction – and always proven true - has taught me that everything is right at every moment, even under the most tragic circumstances of human experience. Beneath the surface, behind the appearance of things and events, there is a hidden meaning that informs and teaches us about the nature of the experience we are going through. As the Earth continues its galactic trajectory, as relentlessly as a Swiss clock, it seems that our world has literally stopped turning. Since this pandemic due to the coronavirus, a thousand explanations have been invoked, a thousand studies or analyzes have been proposed and opposed, but all of them, as valid and legitimate as they are, keep us, confined as we are, on the horizontal plane: that of the “problem“.
    The plane of experience is not that of meaning. It is by taking the vertical path that the deeper meaning of the experience - and not its explanation - is revealed to us.


    Reality, as we name and perceive it, is a matrix(1). By analogy, the terrestrial matrix in which we exist is similar to a computer program: lines of code defining a specific information field, allowing a system to function in a certain way. We are thus bathed in a vast information field, continuous and multidimensional, which presents itself in multiple forms: beyond the information disseminated by the media, what we perceive through our 5 senses or capture through the subtle channel of intuition, is a part of this flow of information. An electromagnetic field, although invisible, also represents an information field. In the same way, DNA, a transgenerational memory, as well as a belief or an egregore, are all superimposed and intertwined information fields.
    Our reality, or matrix, is thus underpinned by an omnipresent and “multi-layered“ information field.
      Now, let’s go back to the Earth Matrix and our computer metaphor. If we look at the current situation and this pandemic, we are clearly facing a planetary “big bug“: an anomaly, caused by a virus, which suddenly shuts down the entire system. A virus, not computer, but informational: yes, this coronavirus is also information. But what is this virus telling us?


    This virus has a very particular name, “corona“ meaning “crown“: a name that refers to the chakra of the same name, also called the coronal chakra. It is interesting to note that the crown chakra, the 7th and last chakra of the 7 main energy centers of the human body, is located at the top of the head - precisely where the crown rests: this center is the seat of wisdom, self-realization, divine union and spiritual awareness; it is therefore linked to the awakening process.   Furthermore, the crown designates a sacrament: symbolically, it signifies the recognition of the sacredness of an individual, of his or her affiliation with the Divine and of his or her sovereignty. The crown not only confers great power on the recipient, but also great responsibility. The crown also refers to the heart through the coronary arteries, so called because they are arranged in a crown, which have the function of irrigating and nourishing the heart. This “crown virus” is therefore, in itself, a very specific field of information which reinforms the entire system, in connection with:
    • the awakening process;
    • spiritual awareness;
    • the recognition of the Sacred and Sovereignty;
    • Power and Responsibility;
    • the energy of the heart.
    The power of this virus is up to the challenge: “overwriting“ the old program by inserting a new information field. No update possible: a total reset and installation of a new program.
    The lockdown imposed on almost all of humanity offers the necessary conditions for the integration of this new data and the installation of a new matrix.
    The momentary withdrawal and the return to oneself - to the Self - can only take place if the external activities are made impossible or limited to the essential. Thus, the process of planetary awakening - which is an inner process - can take place. Of course, there are human losses ... as always. Life and death are two sides of the same coin, death being one aspect of this continuous stream that is Life. There is no break in this stream, but transformation. Just as there is no tragedy on the plane of consciousness, only experience and the evolution that follows. Counting the dead on a daily basis in a sinister and anxiety-provoking way does not honor our departed and perhaps we would do better to call them deceased (from the Latin verb decedere which means “to leave“): people do not die; they leave. This does not exclude the pain of losing a loved one, but it does slightly alleviate the burden of suffering in light of this wisdom.


    In this movement of global transformation, driven by intense energy waves, we are asked to cross the river to reach the other shore: that of a totally new world. We will not all succeed in this crossing and this initiation - because it is one -; some of us will choose to “leave”, to take another path, to continue our path of evolution on other planes.
    While the media uproar is in full swing, a peaceful silence has taken over the cities. I bet that silence will win in the end: the ego must learn to be silent to allow true listening.
    Beyond the constraints of lockdowns, humanity has undoubtedly never been so united through this pandemic (from the Greek word pandemia, which means “the whole people“). Everyone is gradually realizing that he or she is a cell in a larger body and that the well-being of each cell is essential for the harmonious functioning of the whole body. A body which, today convalescent, needs to rediscover its spiritual consciousness, by awakening its crown, in order to heal.  



    Recommendations for breathing difficulties

    I invite you to listen to one of the following 3 balms for at least one week:
    • Balm #08, a combined balm that acts simultaneously on the thyroid, the thymus and the lungs.

    Recommendations for stress and anxiety

    I invite you to listen to Earth's Voice for a short period of 2 days: this particular balm allows an instant reconnection to the Earth and a return to a state of deep inner peace.

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    • answer your questions;
    • advise you on the appropriate balm for your current needs;
    • or to simply talk.
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